mommy makeover

During pregnancy, women experience changes to their bodies as their child develops. After birth, they may experience continued changes to their breasts and skin due to breastfeeding. Returning to your pre-pregnancy shape may be hard as changed skin, muscle tone, and fat are stubborn. A mommy makeover provides the opportunity for moms to achieve their aesthetic goals through surgical intervention. A mommy makeover may comprise of a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, liposuction and/or other procedures.

During pregnancy, women experience changes to their bodies as their child develops. After birth, they may experience continued changes to their breasts and skin due to breastfeeding. Returning to your pre-pregnancy shape may be hard as changed skin, muscle tone, and fat are stubborn. A mommy makeover provides the opportunity for moms to achieve their aesthetic goals through surgical intervention. A mommy makeover may comprise of a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, liposuction and/or other procedures.

During pregnancy, women experience changes to their bodies as their child develops. After birth, they may experience continued changes to their breasts and skin due to breastfeeding. Returning to your pre-pregnancy shape may be hard as changed skin, muscle tone, and fat are stubborn. A mommy makeover provides the opportunity for moms to achieve their aesthetic goals through surgical intervention. A mommy makeover may comprise of a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, liposuction and/or other procedures.

Without major lifestyle or physical changes, the results should be long-lasting, as the process of aging continues.

Depending on your procedures, full recovery may take up to 6 weeks. Most feel well enough to proceed with light activities after the first 2-3 weeks.