Fat graft

Fat grafting is a great way to add volume to areas in need such as the face, hands, or buttock region. The injected fat comes from your own body thus decreasing the risk of rejection. The volume from this fat, once taken, is permanent. Depending on the area to be fat grafted, this can be performed in the office or the operating room.

During a consultation, Dr. Kim will examine the area of concern and determine the optimal regions to deposit fat. Dr. Kim will also determine which regions of your body will “donate” fat for this procedure. Any concerns or questions you may have will be addressed.

These procedures affect different issues of aging.  A consultation with Dr. Kim will allow you to determine which procedure is best for you to achieve your desired goals.

No, the grafted fat is not rejected. However, at times, the grafted fat may not survive. If so, this is either dissolved by your body or may stay as a cyst or a mass. Depending on the issue, you may need additional grafting and/or removal of the cyst/mass. Often, if the cyst/mass does not cause any issues, then nothing is done as this can provide the desired volume.

Fat grafts are permanent, whereas most fillers are temporary, often lasting up to 2 years. For anyone unsure of how they will look after the added volume, the recommendation is always to try a filler first.